It’s that time of year again when all the Elves are endlessly sitting on shelves. This year my office is having a contest for best Elf on the shelf photo.
Since I work in IT, I figured my photo entry must be IT related.
Destroying Laptops Is Fun!
I found an old HP i3 laptop that was broken sitting around the house and decided to have some fun. In my head I pictured the Elf going through the screen (in one side and out the other) looking as happy as can be!
The first step was to remove any useful components still inside the laptop. I was able to recycle the hard drive, memory and processor. I also removed the mother board, DVD writer and battery and properly disposed of them.
Cutting the hole.

First I dew an outline of the hole on the display using a sharpie, then using my Dremel MM45-06 Oscillating tool I cut the hole all the way through the laptop. WARNING! Laptop screens contain glass, use work gloves and eye protection while cutting.
Stage The Elf.
I tried the Elf in a few positions to test how we would look.